19 ene 2013

Computer recycling

     Electronic rubbish, and computer equipment in particular, is a rapidly expanding stream of waste. Low prices allow consumers to replace the computers often, and a rapid technological change means, so it will generate a large amount of technological waste.

  • Why is it important to recycle computer equipment?

     Our computer is made up of: plastic (32%), ferrous metals (18%), non-ferrous metals (12%), electronic boards (15%) and glass (23%).
Such items should on no account be thrown out with your household rubbish because they contain toxic substances, and are dangerous waste.

  • How does it recycle it?

     There are differents ways that you can perform for disposal:

    -Returning the product to the manufacturer: Increasingly, manufacturers of electronic goods incorporate the recycle of computers management into their environmental policies. The manufactures cover the cost of home pick-up, shipping to the recycling centre, and recycling of any obsolete equipment.

     Then, when it arrive to the recycle place, the computers are sorted according to type or material. Materials like steel and aluminium are then recycled to make new products, from car parts to plastic toys.

     -Taking the item to a professional waste disposal facility:The process is the same as with a manufacturer scheme, but you may have to pay for collection and disposal of the waste.

  -Donating the goods to a non-profit organisation: A number of non-profit organisations collect electronic equipment including computers and printers, either for reuse or for de-manufacture and recycling. Recipients pay nothing for the equipment or buy it at a heavily discounted rate.

Now, you haven't got any excuse to don't recycle the computers! ;D

Reciclaje de las pilas

     La razón por la que debemos reciclar las pilas es porque contienen varios contaminantes considerados peligrosos, como por ejemplo el mercurio y el plomo.

    Cuando se tiran las pilas usadas al contenedor de residuos orgánicos, éstas van a parar al vertedero o a la incineradora. Por lo que el mercurio y otros componentes tóxicos pueden llegar al medio y perjudicar a los seres vivos.

     Para poder reciclarlas existen contenedores de pilas o lugares donde las dejas y las reciclan, como en algunos supermercados o en la parada de algunos autobuses.

Existen distintos tipos de pilas:

  • Pilas botón: pilas que se utilizan en relojes, calculadoras, etc. A pesar de su tamaño son las más contaminantes.

  • Pilas de petaca o cilíndricas:contienen menos metales pesados, pero se producen muchas más.

  • Las baterías de móvil: finalmente se debe tener en cuenta las baterías de móvil. Éstas son pilas recargables que se pueden utilizar durante mucho tiempo. Las más frecuentes son las de níquel-cadmio.

18 ene 2013

Plastic recycling symbols

     Probably you have already seen some symbols on plastics, but you don’t know what they mean. Don’t worry; in no time at all we’re going to explain you.
     These are the symbols that you can find:

     Maybe they can appear with some changes like:

      The last picture informs us of these plastics have already been recycled. Because they are written with an R (recycled) before the acronym.

     And after this brief introduction, we start with the plastics’ classification:


     This kind of plastic is usually used to packaging food; bottles of soda, water, beer, mouthwash juice and vegetable oil. It’s really common because it’s lightweight, cheap, easily recyclable and strength. Recycling this plastic we can obtain new PET, fabric for clothing, furniture, car’s parts and more items.
     PETG is a co-polymer of PET and it has a good resistance to impact. It’s used to contain shampoos, detergents, soaps…


     It’s used for packaging cleaning or chemical products (such as shampoo, detergent, chlorine, bleach, etc.) and foods like milk, juice, water or yogurt. It’s also used to make plastic carrier bags. Its properties are strength, resistance of wetness and chemicals and permeability to gas. If we recycle it, we can obtain tubes, detergent bottles, oil bottles, picnic tables, pens, mailbox posts, recycling containers…


     The main difference between these plastics is polyvinyl chloride contains chlorine (if it burns, it produces carcinogenic toxins) and vinyl not, as their names say. We can package cooking oil, detergent shampoo, etc. It’s also used to make windows, wire and cable jacketing or piping. Properties: toughness, strength, clarity and resistance. Unfortunately this plastic isn’t usually recycled but when it’s recycled we can obtain roadway gutters, paneling, flooring…


     We can find this plastic in squeezable bottles, bread bags, frozen food bags, clothes, furniture or carpets. This plastic is tough, flexible and transparent. After recycling, we obtain trash cans, compost bins, furniture, panelling, floor tile, etc.


     This type of plastic is found in yogurt containers, syrup bottles, medicine bottles or caps. It has resistance to heat (because it has a high melting-point), is strong and resistant. If we recycle it, we obtain signal lights, brooms brushes, battery cables, bins or trays.

        6. POLYSTYRENE (PS)

     This kind of plastic is used to make plates, cups, compact dick jackets, meat trays or egg cartons. It’s clear, a good thermal insulation and has low melting-point. Recycling this plastic we obtain thermal insulation (due to its properties), egg cartons, carry-out containers, rulers or vents. Nevertheless it’s too difficult  recycle it and can produce toxins.

     7. OTHER

     In this category are included all plastics not specifically previously or combinations of them. Because of this, its properties are very varied. We can find this in some plastics bottles, DVD, sunglasses, food packaging, computers, etc. It’s too difficult to recycle it owing to its diversity.

17 ene 2013

Arrancando con la investigación

     Hola a todos ya estamos perfilando cómo enfocar nuestra investigación y para ello ya hemos hablado con varios profesores para organizar el proyecto de ropa que tenemos en el aire. Gracias a ellos nos han surgido nuevas ideas y enfoques a la hora de realizarlo. Además, lo más seguro es que nos vayamos al mercadillo la semana que viene para visitar los montones de ropa de segunda mano.
     Por cierto no os impacientéis muchos con las nuevas entradas que ya están al caer.
     Un saludo y disfrutad del puente si vivís en Valencia. :D

14 ene 2013

Vídeo de presentación :)

     Bueno, aquí tenéis ya el vídeo de presentación, que estaba grabado desde hace tiempo, pero teníamos que retocar algunas partes. Comentad qué os parece, si os ha gustado, etc. Agradecemos la participación de algunas personas que facilitaron la grabación del vídeo.

ATENCIÓN: Si llegamos a las 1500 visitas, subimos las tomas falsas... :)