23 oct 2012

Four Rs

     It is necessary to decrease the amount of waste produced and it is therefore important to be able to follow the rule of four Rs.

  • Reduce: Buy only what is necessary, try to bring our own bags, try to avoid  wrappers, etc. For example, we can buy books at used book stores, and with this we avoid buying new things to spend natural resources like trees.
  • Re-use: Many of the items that end up in the trash can be reused. For example, we can give the clothes we no longer use to other people that need it.
  • Recycle: There are some places that make a selective collection and processing elements to give it a new use, in some cases the same for which they were created but with less quality. For example, we can recycle plastic, paper, glass and more things.
  • Retrieve: This usually happens with the recovery of raw materials or materials for reuse, and  it is most clearly seen in many industrial processes.

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